We are each one of us responsible for every war because of the aggressiveness of our own lives, because of our nationalism, our selfishness, our gods, our prejudices, our ideals, all of which divide us. And only when we realize, not intellectually but actually, as actually as we would recognize that we are hungry or in pain, that you and I are responsible for all this existing chaos, for all the misery throughout the entire world, because we have contributed to it in our daily lives, and are a part of this monstrous society with its wars, divisions, its ugliness, brutality and greed—only then will we act.
J. Krishnarnurti
Author Archives: Steve Aman
Paradise Undone
My Dad was part of a small group of people who together owned 130 acres of a wonderful mixture of hardwood forest, meadows, hillside and creek bottom. I have meandered that part of Mother Earth since I was old enough … Continue reading
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The Journey
[image: image.png] The Journey Several times throughout the Course, we mention that collapse acceptance is not a “one and done” event in life. Rather, for most of us, it is a lifelong journey. Sure, there are some folks who become … Continue reading
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Acceptance and Serenity
Acceptance and Serenity Having walked the journey of sobriety for several decades, I have been blessed with the gift of the serenity prayer: Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I … Continue reading
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