
95.0 / 100

Course Exceeded Expectations

Overall Rating
99.0 / 100

Would recommend the course to others

Of the 150 participants who were polled, the self-assessment of their collapse awareness evidenced substantial growth. Initially rated at 6.5 out of 10 at the start of the course, this awareness surged to an impressive 8.8 out of 10 after completing the course. Furthermore, participants’ levels of acceptance regarding collapse also showed significant improvement, with pre-course ratings at 5.1, which notably increased to 8.0 post-course.

I find the pre-session material absolutely great!  I am very very very thankful and wish I have more hours in my life to check on them deeply. I hope I´ll do it this summer vacation.

The material about collapse was critical, but it was the work on inner resilience that was most important. I see us inviting people into a process of personal and spiritual growth. Having a buddy was an important gift, while having a community to grapple with the feelings and issues that surfaced along the way. I am passionate to share this course with others. The quality of the course was breathtaking! Deep gratitude to you all! I also loved how you empowered participants to engage as openers and session facilitators.

I am amazed at how the Course Developers sifted through galaxies of material to condense and distill such challenging issues and realities into something manageable each week. Bravo/a to you all. You have given an immeasurable gift to our community. And it was a real display of your belief in the wisdom of each individual that you handed the ball over to each of us collectively to come to our own conclusions and experience of the material. The fact that you three simply sat with us without commenting on our opinions and discoveries and allowed each person to process at…

Your course in resilience is so rich and it so elegantly provides a wide array of resources in one place for deep-diving into the (d)evolving world situation and for making transformative change at the cellular level – both individual and collective. I cannot believe how much I have learned, absorbed, felt, and grown – and all in 7 weeks. I can feel the care and love you have all put into it. I am deeply grateful for it and to you.

Although I’ve been aware for years, the depth & perspective are much fuller because of this course. While the structure was very efficient in providing time for participation by all of the group, what was so amazing, was seeing everyone blossom Into the conversations TOGETHER. Also I found it was so beneficial to invite folks to facilitate at the sessions. This really allowed folks to share strengths & invite others into the conversation.

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