Robert and his wife Teri dedicate their life to promotion and adoption of regenerative living, habits, and practices. Based on the teachings of Joanna Macy, Norma Wong and others, this work looks over the horizon to enable the continuation of life on the planet. Robert and Teri are very active in the San Francisco Bay Area, collaborating in community to create and deliver the kinship view that all life is interconnected, interdependent, and interrelated. Robert and Teri are also active in Elders Action Network, and local advocacy groups.
Robert works with others in Elders Climate Action and his local community, to electrify the homes of owner occupants, landlords, and renters. Electrification is the one personal step that anyone can take immediately, to stop the march of the climate crisis. He believes that it is necessary for everyone to become personally involved in this climate justice solution. Robert has facilitated many professional and personal growth seminars and has been an instructor in the University of California, Berkeley, Extension program.