
With great sadness and great love, we have become convinced that we are in a time of unravelling. 

Species are becoming extinct at an alarming rate.  Wildfires, hurricanes and dying oceans are evidence that our climate has entered a catastrophic stage.  We are living amid great political and economic uncertainty. 

During times of disruption and challenge, we have two choices: turning away or turning towards. For a long time, we have learned to turn our eyes away and live as we have always lived. 

We believe that closing our eyes has not served us.  We believe that we need to turn towards—wake up and see what is happening in the world and in ourselves, in the ways we relate to the entire Community of Life. Turning towards takes courage, honesty and love.

With these thoughts in mind, we are offering a space for people to gather and learn, to grieve and plan, and to speak our truths together.  We have created a free, nine-session course called Resilience & Acceptance in the Face of Collapse. This course is not about traditional resilience solutions. Instead, the course leads participants through a process of opening their eyes in awareness and turning towards what-is with ever-deepening acceptance, through wise responses to our predicament.

We invite you to join us.